KIIT Student Activity Centre – KSAC Student Support Services Wed, 10 Apr 2024 08:08:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 KIIT Student Activity Centre – KSAC 32 32 Power of Positive Peers Wed, 10 Apr 2024 08:08:06 +0000 Yash Mohapatra
2nd Year

As a college undergrad, I was sailing the waves of life’s ups and downs. Amid the enthralling chaos of assignments, exams and the pressure to fit in, I found myself struggling to stay afloat. Surrounded by negativity and a fear of failure, I felt like I was losing myself, drowning in a sea of uncertainty.

It was during one of those challenging times that I met an angel for now let’s say his name is Amit. Unlike anyone I had ever known, Amit exudes positivity in everything he did. His infectious smile and unwavering optimism seemed almost surreal to me at first.

How could someone be so upbeat in a world filled with cynicism? I thought.

Initially, I was skeptical. I couldn’t understand how someone could maintain such a positive outlook on life, especially in the midst of our chaotic college environment. But as I got to know Amit better, I realized that their positivity wasn’t just a facade—it was a way of life.

Amit wasn’t just a man of words but one of action. He approached every challenge with a can-do attitude, turning obstacles into opportunities for growth. Instead of dwelling on past mistakes or worrying about the future, Amit lived in the present moment, embracing each day with gratitude and enthusiasm.

Being around Amit was like being bathed in sunlight after a long dark night. His optimism was contagious, and before I knew it, I found myself adopting a more positive mindset. Slowly but surely, I began to let go of my negative habits and self-limiting beliefs.

With Amit’s guidance and support, I started to see the world through a different lens. I realized that life wasn’t just about surviving—it was about thriving. Instead of focusing on what I lacked, I began to appreciate the abundance of opportunities and blessings that surrounded me.

One of the most valuable lessons I learned from Amit was the importance of self-care. He emphasized the need to prioritize my mental, emotional, and physical well-being, reminding me that I couldn’t pour from an empty cup. Whether it was taking a break to recharge, practicing mindfulness, or pursuing hobbies that brought me joy, Amit encouraged me to invest in myself wholeheartedly.

As I embraced a more positive mindset, I noticed a profound shift in my life. I became more resilient in the face of adversity, viewing challenges as opportunities for growth rather than insurmountable obstacles. My relationships flourished as I radiate positivity and kindness towards others, attracting like-minded individuals into my life.

Thanks to Amit’s unwavering support and guidance, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. I realized that true happiness doesn’t come from external circumstances or material possessions—it comes from within. By cultivating a positive mindset and embracing life with open arms, I transformed into the best version of myself.

Today, as I reflect on my college journey, I am filled with gratitude for the profound impact that Amit had on my life. His friendship was a beacon of light during my darkest moments, guiding me towards a brighter future filled with endless possibilities. I am forever grateful for the transformative power of positivity and the incredible friend who helped me discover it.

]]> 0 People and their Warmth Thu, 04 Apr 2024 09:23:29 +0000 Aryan Singh
3rd Year

Sitting down to compose this blog post, I’m engulfed in a whirlwind of emotions. My college experience has been akin to navigating a roller coaster, marked by profound growth, formidable challenges, and unforgettable memories.

How lucky it is to have something that makes it so hard to say goodbye.

Transitioning from university marks a significant milestone in our lives. For years, our existence has been shaped by lectures, exams, and extracurricular activities. Now, we find ourselves on the precipice of the unfamiliar, poised for a fresh journey into the world. While the prospect of change may seem daunting, it serves as a beacon for personal growth and exploring self.

My first year, marred by online classes, left me yearning for genuine connections. When I finally met some classmates in person, my grandmother’s warnings fueled unnecessary fears, illustrating the power of our minds to conjure irrational scenarios.

The first time I met a few of my classmates was in my hometown, and before going to meet them, I was warned that I should not go, as in the newspaper an accident was reported where a guy pushed his friend from the rooftop. I mean, the delusions and scenarios we create in our minds!

From that moment till now, and all the people I met and made beautiful connections with, I felt that this was all I needed in my life! Four years filled with a library of experiences, friendships, and endless fun. They supported me in all my decisions, helped me out, and were there for me in all my ups and downs. As we came to college for the first time, a group formed.

My friends became my anchor, supporting me through every triumph and tribulation. We formed unbreakable bonds, sharing in joyous celebrations and late-night study sessions.

What started as a tight-knit group eventually splintered as dynamics shifted. Despite my loyalty and unwavering support, I was sidelined, watching my closest companions drift away. In fact, until now, I have never fought even with a single soul in this college. Everyone started to fight amongst each other and left with their closest friend but forgot about me. I, slowly watch my favorite people get bored of me while my life is falling apart. Was I that lost or unimportant to them? I, as delusional as I am, started creating fake scenarios in my mind and always questioning my existence. My days were filled with panic attacks, anxiety and depression. Well, you can say that it was just kicking you in the stomach and spitting on your neck fantastic.

The moment you realize that you can only meet people where they are and not where you want them to be is when you learn to find peace when letting go. And in embracing this truth, I found peace in releasing those who could no longer walk beside me.

I have had a very troubled past mixed with multiple problems, and it was only that I got through those problems because of my current friends, those who amidst the turmoil gave me the unwavering support of true friends—my “lobsters,” as Phoebe Buffay would say.

The most important lesson I have ever learned during my college life is that you should cry alone but never share your pain so that you can’t get hurt if the other person is the first one to leave. Karma says, that when somebody isn’t right for you, God will continue to use them to hurt you until you are strong enough to let them go. I learned to let go of the past, and that helped me meet the new friends who I have right now in my life, who deserve me. They healed something they didn’t even break.

Some people help you heal just by being a part of your life. As soon as you realize who they are, your life becomes sorted. Mine certainly did.

As I reflect on my college journey, I’ve come to cherish the realization that true friendship isn’t about quantity but quality.

People always say that the inseparable friends now are not even seen with each other. But my single friendship now is the purest form for me. In a world where people often prioritize their circles, this friend consistently makes me feel like their priority. I turned to a friend for comfort and instead, I found everything that I had been looking for my whole life.

It’s a poignant reminder that it’s crucial to recognize when a space no longer respects or cares for you. Leaving such environments is an act of self-love and empowerment. Pov- you have stopped making extra efforts for them and have prioritized yourself.

So as I look back on my college experience, I realize that it wasn’t the grand events or extravagant parties that defined it. Rather, it was the people who stood by me through it all, and the experiences that taught me the invaluable lesson that sometimes, one’s own company is more than enough.

Cheers to all the people who said, “He’s A Little Broken, And He Needs Me. I Guess I Need Him Too.”


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Journaling: A Path to Self Exploration Sat, 30 Mar 2024 11:11:46 +0000 Sipra Mishra
2nd Year

Have you ever reached that corner of Instagram that features aesthetically pleasing notebooks and ridiculously cute stationery supply? Well, I sure did! I was a seventeen year old stuck at home during COVID with my brain half fried with anxiety while the other half desperately seeked a hobby that didn’t involve staring at a screen. It was during this time I discovered journaling and my life has never been the same.

I am sure I wasn’t the only one whose mental health went for a toss during COVID times. My anxiety had shot through the roof leaving my creative abilities crippled and the only thing I found myself doing was scroll, scroll and SCROLL.  It was during this routine scrolling when I stumbled upon journaling. The very idea was enough to cause my neurons to fire up and the next thing I found myself doing was reading up everything there was to read about journaling. Well, that was 2021 and since then I have been journaling almost every day and trust me when I say this, It is as effective and as relaxing as meditation!

But what actually is journaling? Does it involve owning pretty, aesthetic notebooks, cute pens and God knows what other stationery supplies that these Instagram influencers are pushing down our throats? Well, let me break this to you for once and for all. Journaling, in simple terms means getting in touch with your thoughts and emotions through writing. Simple right? All you need to get started is a notebook and a pen, that’s it!  Journaling isn’t a new term coined by us; gen Z peeps, it has been around the corner since the dawn of history with many prominent figures advocating for it.

From the great Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, to Leonardo da Vinci to Oprah and even the new age productivity experts Ali Abdaal and Ryan Holiday, and every successful person who has graced the face of the earth has spoken about the importance of journaling.

Journaling is a great way to relieve stress and get in touch with your emotions. It is an excellent medium to quieten the cacophony of voices in our heads and be more present. It’s like you are talking to someone you love but instead of a person it is a page from a notebook. You can write about anything and everything that comes to your mind and honestly you don’t even have to be a great writer to start journaling. Let’s just say your journal is like a personal archive that is meant for you and you alone. It’s like your little pocket buddy with whom you can have a conversation about anything on planet earth. Journaling is a great way of reflecting on life. It is like a time capsule. Turn a few pages back, maybe grab an old journal from years ago,and you would be surprised by the experience! It’s surreal getting to experience a phase of life all over again and getting to reflect upon it and understand the lessons learnt from an experience in life.  If you were to take my words for it, I would say your personal journal is a panacea to every difficulty, every distress in life. Oftentimes we seek solutions to problems, being completely unaware of the fact that all the answers lie within us. Sometimes you just need to calm that racing mind down, take a deep breath and start writing and watch how all the answers start coming to and everything starts making sense. That’s the magic of journaling! There have been countless incidences where I would just start journaling and everything would just start making sense.

Well, by now you must have understood that I swear by journaling and if you stuck around till here, I am assuming I have captured your interest and you too want to start journaling! Fret not, let’s get you started with the basics. All you need is a notebook and a pen. That’s it!

The stationery part of the process isn’t quite the problem, but the habit development part is. It’s easy to start with something, get all excited about and as time passes it starts becoming a chore. I have been there too. It’s easy to get started with, but sticking with it is what’s difficult. I have had my own share of on and off experiences with journaling. As someone who has been through this, I would tell you start small. Don’t overwhelm yourself by wanting to journal everyday and have a routine. Start small and go slow. As a beginner, I would suggest start with a gratitude journal. Just keep a notebook and everyday write three things that you are grateful for. You could also start by keeping a notebook, one where you just write down your ideas, some quotes that you came across and really liked, honestly anything, there are no rules here. You could also start with Morning pages. Morning pages are nothing but pure stream of consciousness put onto paper. You wake up in the morning and the first thing you do is fill three sides of paper. Again, it can be anything you like. When I started, morning pages seemed a little daunting to me but with repetition it has become a second nature. Another great way of sticking with journaling is ready made prompts. Look up for prompts online and pick one that resonates with you and start writing. Once you have developed the habit of journaling, you won’t need anything else. Just a pen and paper and you are good to go.

There is a saying that,” paper is more patient than man “. I have found comfort and solace in the very act of maintaining a journal. It is liberating to let your thoughts run wild without the fear of judgment. There were times when I was grieving, I was heartbroken and journaling helped me find that strength to keep going. There is something incredibly therapeutic about getting in touch with your own authentic self and what better way to do so other than journaling? It’s a surreal feeling to go through your old journals and see how much you have grown as a person. I find utmost happiness and peace while I journal and by far it has been the most important thing that has happened to me.

As William Wordsworth once said,

“Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.”

Grab a notebook and a pen and start journaling!


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Uncertain and Ironic Thu, 21 Mar 2024 08:14:11 +0000 Yashvi Aggarwal
2nd Year

The thing about life is, it’s uncertain and ironic. Every first day of every semester is full of deceitful promises we make to ourselves. “I’m definitely going to get a 9+ SGPA this time.”I’m going to go to the gym for sure.”I’ll cut back on my expenses.” and what not. I’ve made these promises too. Every night I convince myself to be better the next day but slip back into the same old habits by evening and when dark covers the sky again, well, you guessed it right, I hope the next day will be better. Productivity and discipline seem like a myth to me now. Motivational videos hardly have an impact because the momentary adrenaline rush is so not enough to get me through the day. Although, that doesn’t stop me from being the guru and giving advice to my friends, it doesn’t stop any one of us from pointing out everything that’s wrong with someone else’s life even when our own is barely crossing the threshold. Ironic Unpredictable.

 And you want to know the best part? We’re just getting worse every day. We’ve somehow gotten very used to making false promises to others and to ourselves and then breaking them. We’ve somehow become okay with not giving our best and then blaming others. We leave our good selves in our 2 am thoughts and wake up just the same as yesterday. And we’re the first ones to list out everything that’s been going downhill.

 With an option to make our career choices, I chose to be an over thinker so naturally, I have thought about this a lot too. I realized that in this race of first and last, in this world of good and bad, in the minds of black and white, all of us are trying to find that little grey color to live in. We’re trying to find enough room to fit all of our good and bad and all the in-betweens. We’re trying to find our reality in the walls of unrealistic expectations. Life is ironic. But I didn’t write this to give tips on ” How to College: 101″, I just wrote this with the simple intention to know that I’m not alone and to let you know that you’re not alone too. And with that, I would like to end this with a story.

 I was walking in from the Campus 6 gate. I saw this beautiful flower lying on the road (sorry if this turns into a literature extract). Normally, we would just pass by because we’re so used to flowers all around the campus. But for some reason, that flower caught my attention. I picked it up, pressed it in the pages of my notebook and today finally pasted it in my journal. And while I was doing that, it hit me that it could have been any other flower I picked, but I chose that one. That’s how so many beautiful moments in your life choose you. So live them. Be yourself because there is so little time for us to live freely without any obligations.

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Making Connections: KIIT University Wed, 13 Mar 2024 07:19:33 +0000 Sudhanshu Jha
2nd year

Friendship, Networking, and Everyday Experiences :-

In this rat race of higher education, a universe where associations are to be sealed, dreams are to come alive and destinies are to be realized, KIIT University is an emerging shelter of learning. The students out here begin on the path of academic excellence and personal development, which is wrapped around by the energetic hallways and the large campus, where the fine opportunities for friendships and networking will be treasured.

Friendships at KIIT University :-

Friendship is what life at KIIT University is all about. From the very moment you step onto the campus, you will be greeted and hugged by this community, the epitome of which is friendship, diversity, and inclusivity. True friendship is about transcending barriers. Here at KIIT University, you would be amidst peers of untold backgrounds, each with a story and perspective of their own. Over time, solid and enduring relationships are forged through late-night studies, rolling in laughter, and experiencing life in victory and defeat.

Further, the academics and staff contribute to the nurturance of support and a feeling of belonging. They are friendly, learned, and ever-ready to offer support. Mentoring, counseling, and guiding by them would mean the forming not only of an academic career but also of personal development for all.

Networking at KIIT University :-

Well, networking is of great importance in this highly connected world today. Now, the good news is that KIIT University has a variety of programs to give its students extra exposure in the field of their interest and to help them network. In addition to academics, the students gain exposure to the latest developments and trends in their areas of study through seminars, workshops, and guest lectures by eminent personalities and practitioners. Besides enriching the academic experience of students, these meetings also give them a chance to network with professionals from the industry, alumni, and potential employers.

Moreover, the networking opportunities for the students at KIIT are much enhanced due to the comprehensive programs for internships and placements. The wide alumni and corporate networking the university offers gives many opportunities for the students to benefit in all forms. For instance, students get job offers before they graduate and get a quality internship in a reputed organization. The students who will get a job offer at the time of graduation would have the advantage of reaching the wide network of corporate partners and alumni of the university, who would be willing to help them ensure their career growth.

Life at KIIT University :-

At KIIT University, students come from diverse communities. Life at the campus is always buzzing with the rich cultural heritage of India. The state-of-the-art facilities in the university premises, including spacious sports fields, fully equipped labs, and all modern classrooms, provide the students with a great environment to learn and train in their hobbies. Several resources are made available, inspiring individuals to establish careers in the fields of science, entrepreneurship, and sports.

People from all across the globe come here for their studies and become a part of this organization. The most valuable benefit of living in this community may be the common feeling of being together, of belonging to something that marks every dimension of campus living. KIIT is high in its feel of a community, creating a cozy ambience, be it hanging out with your friends, doing charitable work, or celebrating events together. In short, the life at KIIT University coupled with friendships and networking opportunities constitute a complex structure, offering the students different opportunities and experiences. Besides gaining proper education or knowledge with proper skills, students also build long-lasting friendships and professional links which will help them later on in their lives as they move up the career path.

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Strength & Adversity Wed, 06 Mar 2024 17:20:52 +0000 Sipra Mishra
2nd Year

The climb down the hill seemed smooth, effortless even. The sun shone on my tanned face with every stone I crushed beneath my tired feet. The waterfall was visible from where I was. I could hear the water. I was impatient.  I wanted to get down the hill soon so that I could witness the beauty and the tranquility of the waterfall. I kept moving, going down each step one by one. Then in a flash of a second, it happened! The next thing I know I was on the ground. My leg slipped while I was going down. I fell, on both my legs, if you ask me the exact positioning of my legs now I honestly wouldn’t be able to tell you, but it was enough for me to crack my right ankle and injured the left one. Both the ankles, yes you heard it right! That too on the second day of my holiday! The next couple of hours were a complete nightmare. It was with immense difficulty and my parent’s support that I was able to climb up the hill. What followed next was an hour long car hide to the hospital where my ankles were examined. The x ray suggested that I suffered from a tibia crack on the right side and a minor injury on the left side. I was asked to get a plaster over my right ankle. The left one would heal on its own with medicines and time, ofcourse. I sat there flabbergasted, angry, and almost teary when the doctor said I wouldn’t be able to run around, cycle, jump or even wear heels for the next three to four months. This isn’t what happens in Imtiaz Ali’s films? You go to the mountains and you have whole transformation. I, on the other side, ended with broken ankles and a vacation ruined?

How unfair!

It took me a whole day to wrap my head around what had happened. I thought the difficult part was over. Now all I had to do was take rest and heal. How difficult could that be right? I had never been so wrong my entire life! The nights were the toughest part. I had to sleep in a very specific position with my leg raised high to prevent swelling and for a side sleeper like me, it was next to impossible. The pain got worse during nights. Everyday seemed like a mountain climb for me. It’s hard, you know when you have been physically active your entire life, running around doing your own thing and now all you do is lay on the bed. I felt sad. Well, not sad, helpless maybe. I remember when my relatives would come visit me. They would look at me as if my life had come to an end. Those were the nights I had to cry myself to bed.

College started and I couldn’t be a part of it. I am immensely thankful to my friends, for keeping me updated and supporting me throughout. But, I felt like I was losing my spark. I didn’t feel like myself. I was always told that I am very confident, an absolute go getter. But sitting at home, more specifically sleeping, takes that away from you. They say that an empty mind is the devil’s workshop, well I don’t know about that but my mind definitely seemed clogged with various thoughts. I had never known what self doubt was before this. It’s inevitable I guess, when you don’t really have anything to do and all you do is let your thoughts run wild. I tried doing the things that once brought me happiness. I consider myself an avid reader, but somehow during that time it was a struggle to even get through one chapter. In the mornings I would spend my time binge watching Netflix and in the nights my thoughts would run wild making me question every decision, every aspect of my life. What would follow next is an hour long crying session before slumber finally blows me a kiss! This was the toughest part. The pain would come and go. My mobility issues served as a mirror to my inner turmoil.Something I had been avoiding for months. Maybe I did have an Imtiaz Ali transformation?

I was suggested complete bed rest for two whole months. During these two months, I have fought several battles. From not being able to sleep like a baby without a worry in the world, to needing assistance to walk just to the washroom, to doubting myself, questioning my abilities to finally coming out of it all stronger than ever. It’s these experiences in life that make us slow down, retrospect and think. Yes, I agree my initial days led me to doubt myself and trust me that wasn’t a smooth road but with time I understood myself. For the first time in my life I could make sense of what I wanted. I could finally understand what kind of a person I was on the inside. What I wanted out of life? There’s this saying that before luck gives you a hug misfortune gives you a kiss on the lips.

I don’t know if this was a sign that luck is on it’s way, but this definitely helped me in understanding myself. I don’t think I would have ever been able to get to know myself on such a deep level with the hustle and bustle of life. I also wouldn’t be able to watch all the shows on my Netflix watch list!

Now that I have gotten better, my plaster has been removed and I have finally started college, I feel like a changed person. I have become calmer, more empathetic and more kind. In the end I feel, I wasn’t that bad you know. By the time you will be reading this, I would be cracking my head open to get through my midsems and eagerly waiting to finally be able to wear heels! Everything in life happens for a reason and we can only connect the dots looking backwards. Apart from the unwanted weight gain, this time of my life really served as a period of rest and reflection. After all,it was nothing but an experience! I mean, it could have been worse. I might have hit my head and be dead right there. I am sorry if I made you awkward. But, isn’t it true? Something much worse could have happened. It’s still a struggle climbing all the way up to the second floor to attend classes and not being able to wear heels, but it’s still better than being dead I guess?

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Behind the scenes of KIIT FEST 7.0: My experience as a member of the Organizing Committee Wed, 21 Feb 2024 06:38:02 +0000 Sipra S Mishra
2nd year

 I am sure by the time this blog comes out, you must have resumed your classes but still once in a while you and your friend end up taking about what a grand success KIIT FEST 7.0 was! Well I can’t blame you, can I? Three days of pure, unadulterated fun and entertainment.

The KIIT FEST 7.0 happened from February 14th to 16th 2024 and might I say it was the largest technical and cultural college festival in Eastern India? From cultural events such as dance, drama, music and literature to academic events such as quizzes, hackathons, etc., KIIT FEST had it all! And just when you thought it couldn’t get better, the EDM night with Nucleya and star night with Jubin Nautiyal surely knocked your socks off.

But hey, I am not here to tell you about the fest. I bet my head that you have definitely attended the three day saga yourself and I am sure you have all the nice things in the world to say. What I am actually going to tell you is about the work done behind the scenes! The event you saw unfold right before your eyes needed some strings to be pulled from behind. From the posts you shared on your Instagram stories, their captions, the invitations, the decoration, and even the mails being sent for every small requirement, there was a team for everything. What you saw was just a manifestation of all their efforts.

Since I was a part of the organizing committee too, I had the chance to get the first hand experience of all the things that had to be done in order for this event to be a grand success. My job in the committee, more specifically, the drafting committee was to draft content. Captions, mails, invitations etc., basically, everything that involved creative writing and grammar fell on our laps. It was an experience in itself. From late night meetings, to debating over a single clause, we have done it all. Trust me, it will test your patience then but in the end it’s all worth the effort.

My biggest take away from being a part of the committee was definitely the importance of team work. It’s very precious to see how a bunch of individuals come together, body, mind and soul for a common goal ,that is to make the fest worth remembering. And I think we definitely did it! After all, team work makes dream work right? I am not saying we didn’t have challenges or clashes of opinions. But as a team we rose above it all because there was something bigger than all the challenges we faced and that was the prestige of our University! By increasing communication, and leveraging each member’s strengths, we were able to overcome challenges and maximize their impact. The only goal we collectively strived forward to was ensuring the fest’s success and leaving a lasting legacy of teamwork and camaraderie within the college community.

I would like to end this blog with a quote that really stuck with me:

“No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.”

          – H.E. Luccock

Isn’t it absolutely true? We can only do so little by ourselves but when a team of people come together, put their heads into it, it’s only a matter of fact before the issue at hand ceases to exist.  You might think the success of any college fest would rely on the A- list celebrity line up, but in my humble opinion, the success of any college fest heavily relies on effective teamwork. It is through collaboration, dedication, and synergy, we were able to create memorable experiences both for participants and attendees alike.  After weeks of hard work, when the fest finally came to life, all our efforts yielded fruits and trust me they were the sweetest ones ever!



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Anxiety of Students Wed, 07 Feb 2024 11:10:47 +0000

Nandini Pahuja
2nd Year

We were all once high school students dreaming about having an amazing college life along with a cool group of friends, but who knew we had a companion waiting for us- anxiety. Anxiety is often experienced by the new students because of peer pressure and the sudden change of environment around them. It also brings about insecurities about their physical appearances, habits,financial status and more. These insecurities lead an individual to set goals like achieving their dream body or getting an internship in a short period of time. While this is not impossible to achieve, but with so many people around you doing so many different things, you might often question your choices and decisions leading to a constant anxiety of not achieving  desired goals. 

The anxiety that I experienced as an engineering student, was because of the endless options available for us to achieve excellence in. I wanted to do engineering but it was only after my first year in college that I realized that getting a BTech degree is not enough to make you a true engineer. I mean someone designed a map for you to follow and you don’t look around? That’s not what we do here. We explore and ask questions like what, why and how. We want to learn web development, app development, cloud computing and cyber security but we also want to make art, participate in competitions and attend fests. Engineers will do everything apart from studying for mid semester exams ( We know, we do it too). Now, say for example you decided what you want to learn, how are you going to do it? Youtube? There are 150+ videos available. Next step: Ask a senior for help? Maybe 2 seniors? Both of them have opinions which are exactly opposite. Now what? You start on your own, watch the video that feels right. After going through half of it, you realize that you have learnt nothing because you need to learn the prerequisites before starting. Ultimately, you give up because you don’t know where to start and after going through this process about 3-4 times you realize that this just won’t work. After youtube videos you learn about coding websites like Coding Ninjas, hackerRank and GeeksforGeeks. Gradually, you will realize that having an interest in a particular domain is not enough. You need to learn DSA and DBMS and probably a few other things, in detail. I think its time to reveal our ultimate savior, LEETCODE. By Practicing leetcode everyday , it will  not only make you a great coder but also an amazing problem solver since it has questions from real interviews of multinational companies like Google and Amazon. Therefore, just start solving questions of your dream company’s placement interview and you are good to go. But what if getting placed is not your ultimate goal? 

Again engineering is all about what, why and how but also figuring out the solutions to the what and why problems and telling the world how to do it. Start Ups are a thing that almost every student dreams about at least once in their life but only a few actually plan it out and start making progress. The easiest way to get an idea for a Startup is to look around yourself and find out the problem you or the people around you are facing and then find a solution to it. Someone is having problems with their groceries delivery, BigBasket.  Someone wants food at 11 in the night, Zomato. Someone is having trouble with payments and tracking their expenses, Paytm. 

Again placements and Startups are not the only things, there are higher studies, government exams and so much more you can do. The thing is, we all feel anxious because we think the other person has all of it sorted. No, everyone is still trying to figure out what they want. In fact , half of us are trying to understand what is going on. So instead of getting anxious, if you take a deep breath and believe in yourself, everything will work out. Don’t stop exploring, ask questions, talk to people, participate in those events you might feel are not your cup of tea, because you never know which new idea will come up in your mind or what might just interest you enough to keep you entertained for the rest of your life. To add on, nothing is permanent and you can always change what you are doing. You got placed and want to start a Startup? You can do that. You already have a startup but want to go for higher studies? Leave someone in-charge while you are there about learning new things. There is always a way, you just need to be willing enough to find one.


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The 411 on college life Wed, 31 Jan 2024 09:04:05 +0000 Sipra S Mishra
2nd year

 Remember the last day of school? The last time you heard the assembly bell go? The last time you loitered around the whole campus in the name of
“Ma’am! may I go to the washroom?”

Ahh! Those were the days!

I am assuming I am not the only one here who desperately wanted to get out of school and go to college and welcome the newfound freedom with open arms. Well, when I was in school, of course, I shed my part of tears and said my share of goodbyes but I always was in a hurry to go to college. Looking at my seniors graduate from school and then entering college and all of sudden having this freedom and independence and mostly importantly an Instagram-worthy social life, I wanted that too. At one point I was even desperate to go to college. I have never been more wrong in my life! Don’t get me wrong, college is a rollercoaster ride of experience and emotions. But it was nothing like I expected it to be.

If you are like me who spent the entirety of her childhood watching Karan Johar’s movies, let me tell you your college will not be like the ones he showed us. I am sorry but someone had to break it to you.

I struggled the first few weeks trying to fit in, making new friends, and getting used to the whole college environment. It wasn’t like school where friendships would begin with lending and borrowing of stationary. College was different. It took me one whole semester to finally find my tribe and footing. And over the last year, I have learned many things. So consider me as your big sister and read on as I tell you everything that I have learned in this one year of college life. Who knows, you might as well find some advice for yourself.

One of the most important lessons I learned in college is how random life is. Life isn’t perfect. It’s not what you see on your Instagram for your page. Life is random. It makes no sense. You will get the taste of this very randomness from the first month itself. Some days will be good, you will meet people who you just instantly connect with but after a week or so they will seem like strangers. Some days will be bad. You will get picked up, and judged even. And some days will be gorgeous giving you tons of pictures to update your Instagram feed. Don’t fight this randomness hoping for a pattern, because there isn’t one. Embrace uncertainty and make peace with it. It’s the key to maintaining your sanity in a place away from home

Another very important lesson is don’t expect things. Just don’t.! The more you expect things out of people, situations, etc the more disappointed you will be. We are all here to get a degree, and in the process we make friends, we get our hearts broken, we build a home away from home and that’s the beauty of it all. You should stop expecting people to be a certain way and just accept them the way they are. You let go of the desperation to shape people into your expectations and that’s when the magic happens. Don’t be on the lookout for making friends. Be yourself. Be your best self and just watch yourself attract the tribe that matches your vibe. Every situation won’t go the way you want it to. And you know what IT’S OKAY! Trust the process, take a deep breath and just fly with your wings at your pace.

I am sure all of you scroll and scroll your days away on Instagram. What I am going to tell you now isn’t something new and I am sure most of you must have heard it from your favorite self-improvement Instagram Influencer. Networking in college is extremely important.

I would say making a network is even more important than a hundred percent attendance. Now don’t start skipping your class because you read a blog that said hundred percent attendance is not important. Making a network with people is the biggest perk of being in college. Miss some classes if you want to but don’t miss events and seminars where you can get to interact with people who have seen the world you want to get into. The wider your circle is, the better the opportunities that you will be aware of. It’s always a great idea to interact with like-minded people, listen to what they have to say about their vision, and derive inspiration from them. Your immediate seniors are the first set of people you should network with. Don’t limit yourself to a certain group. Grow your circle and keep networking. The more people you know, the better it is. College is not only about exams and assignments, it is also a time to forge lifelong friendships, broaden your horizons, and build a diverse network. Join clubs and societies, attend events, and be open to meeting people from different backgrounds. These connections will not only enhance your college experience but also contribute to your personal growth.

Lastly, the MOST important lesson I learned in college is to experiment a lot. If you were to take away one lesson let it be this one. You are young only once and use this time to experiment with life. Learn new skills, join societies, and try out different things. Only then you will be able to figure out what you want from life. Use this time well to try out a lot of different things so that when the time comes to make a choice, you are well equipped, all ready. Don’t limit yourself to your curriculum. Life lessons extend beyond the four walls of the classroom. Keep learning different things. Don’t burn yourself out in this process. Mental sanity is equally important. Learn to strike a balance between academics and social life. Make time for your hobbies. This is crucial for helping you evolve into the person you want to be.

College is not just about textbooks and exams; it’s a journey of self-discovery, lifelong friendships, and embracing the beautiful chaos of learning both inside and outside the classroom. This phase of your life is the most beautiful phase ever. Your college life is something you will cherish for years to come. Trust me, you will have assignments, a lot of them, tests, projects, and a whole lot of things that will test your patience but you know what, you will learn to strike a balance eventually. In the beginning, it’ll be a little tough but eventually, you’ll get the hang of it. Enjoy yourself to the fullest, make lots of friends, and create tons of memories together. After all college is a rollercoaster of a ride, a ride that you wouldn’t want to miss whatsoever.

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Life Lessons and Tips for Adjusting to Hostel Life Wed, 24 Jan 2024 09:21:52 +0000 Shweta Dubey
2nd year

When we join college, aren’t we excited more about the hostel life than the college life itself? Well, I was. I was excited about my hostel life. I can say it did turn out to be how I imagined it. I was a tad scared as I had to live away from my loved ones. Let me tell you, my biggest worry was whether I would be able to sleep on a new mattress or not, and next was whether I would get good roommates or not. Now that I think about it, I had a sound sleep on the first night on the new mattress because I was really tired, and as for roommates, I got lucky.

Hostel life may appear dreamy from the outside, but it requires adjustment since not everything will be to one’s liking. It’s a significant transition with its challenges and opportunities, akin to a first step into the real world. I had fun and I am still enjoying my hostel life. There are quite a few things that I have experienced that I would like to share. When I moved into the hostel I embraced the changes rather than resisting them. The new room felt alien to me, so I decorated it with my roommates. The personalization helped me get used to the new space. Now, my room at KIIT is my haven.

As an introvert, I was hesitant to initiate conversations, but making friends turned out to be easier than expected. I realized that it was not only me who had to initiate; people were eager to talk to me and others. That is how I met one of my roommates, she quite literally adopted me, and since we have been very good friends. While I believe, that socializing is important we must not force ourselves to interact with people as it will drain our energy. I am not saying don’t mix with people, but only so much that it does not tire you in any way. Another very important thing that I tried to take care of was not invading privacy. It is natural for people to come close to each other while living together but I think we must respect their personal space.

I have learned many things by living in a hostel and the most unexpected yet natural ways. Money management, keeping the room tidy, resolving differences with friends, time management, self-reflection, and the list goes on and on.

Honestly, I am glad that I get to experience this life. Hostel is a different world in itself where there is a solution for every problem and yet new peculiar problems are rising every minute. At some point, my ardent desire was to get rid of some individuals here, but these people blessed me with anecdotes I tell my family about. For me, this place has seen my true self. I have made tons of memories and I know there is more to come. I hope I can make the most of it and so can you.


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