Project Description


TEDX-KU, the official society of KIIT is aimed to provide a first-hand TED experience to its attendees. It offers a platform to integrate new people into the TED community which helps them to bridge the gap between ideas and actions.Communication is an indispensable part of our daily lives. The more we communicate, the more our minds intertwine with one another and eventually assist us in formulating certain notions. The TEDx community bestows us with the opportunity to navigate through ideas having a probability of bringing about unparalleled transitions which will ultimately work for the amelioration of the society. Venturing into uncharted territories has always been a challenging encounter. The maiden edition of TEDxKIITUniversity was a unique and unprecedented achievement in itself. The exceptional levels of success attained in the next two editions that ensued, speak volumes about the possible ideas that are capable of helping us conceive monumental metamorphosis to the society.


Aayush Singh
[email protected]

Abhiraj Singh
[email protected]


Pranav Kumar
[email protected]

Sadaf Khan
[email protected]


Sudeep Satpathy
Sudeep Satpathy[email protected]