The Elder Sibling’s Dilemma


Yashvi Aggarwal 2nd Year This is a message for all the elder siblings out there: kindly don’t put so much pressure on yourself to set a good example for your younger siblings. As an older sibling, I can vouch that whenever I see my younger siblings, the first thing that comes to mind is how proud I am of them. It’s just like being their mother, but slightly different. The good part is that I get to be their friend too and share their secrets, which they are too afraid to tell our parents. I get to share their hobbies. I [...]

The Elder Sibling’s Dilemma2024-05-14T15:28:00+05:30

Power of Positive Peers


Yash Mohapatra 2nd Year As a college undergrad, I was sailing the waves of life’s ups and downs. Amid the enthralling chaos of assignments, exams and the pressure to fit in, I found myself struggling to stay afloat. Surrounded by negativity and a fear of failure, I felt like I was losing myself, drowning in a sea of uncertainty. It was during one of those challenging times that I met an angel for now let’s say his name is Amit. Unlike anyone I had ever known, Amit exudes positivity in everything he did. His infectious smile and unwavering optimism seemed almost [...]

Power of Positive Peers2024-04-10T13:38:06+05:30

People and their Warmth


Aryan Singh 3rd Year Sitting down to compose this blog post, I'm engulfed in a whirlwind of emotions. My college experience has been akin to navigating a roller coaster, marked by profound growth, formidable challenges, and unforgettable memories. How lucky it is to have something that makes it so hard to say goodbye. Transitioning from university marks a significant milestone in our lives. For years, our existence has been shaped by lectures, exams, and extracurricular activities. Now, we find ourselves on the precipice of the unfamiliar, poised for a fresh journey into the world. While the prospect of change may seem [...]

People and their Warmth2024-04-04T14:53:29+05:30

Journaling: A Path to Self Exploration


Sipra Mishra 2nd Year Have you ever reached that corner of Instagram that features aesthetically pleasing notebooks and ridiculously cute stationery supply? Well, I sure did! I was a seventeen year old stuck at home during COVID with my brain half fried with anxiety while the other half desperately seeked a hobby that didn't involve staring at a screen. It was during this time I discovered journaling and my life has never been the same. I am sure I wasn't the only one whose mental health went for a toss during COVID times. My anxiety had shot through the roof leaving [...]

Journaling: A Path to Self Exploration2024-03-30T16:41:46+05:30

KIMAYA members Embracing the spirit of kindness on World Kindness Day


Members of KIMAYA, the Medical Society functioning at KIIT Student Activity Centre visited "Khushiyon ka Ghar", an Old Age Home at Patia, Bhubaneswar. Engaging with love, they shared health knowledge, sang melodies, and created moments of joy on World Kindness Day, the 13th of November 2023. They were grateful for the warmth shared! The event was coordinated by Ms. Jayalaxmi Mishra, Staff In-charge, KIMAYA Society.

KIMAYA members Embracing the spirit of kindness on World Kindness Day2023-11-18T17:06:54+05:30

KIMAYA members sensitize Public on World Immunization Day


Student members of KIMAYA, the Medical Society, KSAC, visited Niladri Vihar Basti on World Immunisation Day where the group conducted Health talk  and provided knowledge upon the Immunization schedule. They also made people aware about the vaccination process & its needs & importance on every individual's life. The community people gained more knowledge and got influenced by the team members' gesture and friendly nature. Dr. Shyam Sundar Behura, Additional Registrar, KIIT-DU also accompanied the team members. The event was coordinated by Dr. Barsha Baishali Parida, Faculty Coordinator and Ms. Jayalaxmi Mishra, Staff In-charge, KSAC. [...]

KIMAYA members sensitize Public on World Immunization Day2023-11-11T16:57:56+05:30

Achyuta Samanta

founder-kiit & kiss

Member of Parliament, Loksabha,
Founder, KIIT  & KISS

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