By Riya Sinha
2nd Year, B.Tech (ECS)

Getting into a college in an all new city, far away from our beloved ones, our family, has happened with most of us from a lot. We meet new sets of people who no longer seem familiar. Their tastes, ideologies, strategies and mannerism vary but somehow we get along with them to see the onset of yet another chapter in our lives.

Social isolation is terribly unhealthy and is now being touted as similarly detrimental to health as smoking or not taking exercise. We often yearn for someone’s company in our everyday life. Being all by our self seems impossible for many of us, and this is how we build a friend!

But wait.

Are they really our friend? How do we let a person in, whom we haven’t ever met? Do we often find ourselves being too consumed by them? Haven’t felt like our self lately? Is this our selection because they are good to us or good in general? All these questions might sound absurd but thoroughly need to be considered.

When we surround ourselves with positive people, we tend to perform or deliver in a much better way than we could ever do with those who are just out there to pull our legs, discourage and demotivate us. It is important to understand the difference between a healthy and unhealthy humour.

Having a huge circle of friends is not necessary. The desire of being friends with everyone can force us into a situation where we try to ‘fit in’ rather than ‘belong’. Quality over quantity!

When we talk about positive people, it not only counts in those who are good to us but also who want good for us. Such a friend would never mislead us, would always have our back, no matter what. Ask yourself , Is it their concern or comfort?”

A person who deserves your time, patience, trust and efforts should be the same who accepts you for what you are and never what they wish you to be like.
We cannot change the people around us but can definitely change the people WE choose to be around.

Being a part of such a prestigious college “Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology”, numerous opportunities awaits our efforts. No amount of words could ever suffice the possibilities, this campus holds for us. It believes in equality among all of its students and hence stands a coeducational university giving shelter to all. When our parents have trusted us and sent us away from them, there must have been a rock solid reason behind it. It should be our duty now to make use of all the facilities we

are lucky to have and hence deliver a perfect performance with utmost sincerity. Our profile should be our foremost concern.
The power of influence still outshines everything today. However, a strong will, a friend for a long run and a made up mind is enough to counter any hardship standing in your way!