By Sreesha Gupta.

2nd Year, B.Tech (CSE)

Dear Freshers,

It was a supremely sunny Friday afternoon when we got the news that we were going home because of some Corona virus. Of course, we were like, poof, who cares about this insignificant virus (little did we know), we get to go home! So what if sanitizers are out of stock, we’ll get to have our favorite dishes once we reach home! ‘An unexpected holiday’ is what we called it as we packed our bags and booked the first flight home. Fast forward 10 months and 21 days, we frantically want to go back to the very same place. But the experience hasn’t been quite the same for you freshlings, has it? Starting afresh in a university is never an easy process. Moving away from home, meeting new people, getting to grips with your course, and adapting to a totally unused environment are huge challenges.

The worsening COVID-19 situation has robbed you of the sheer fervor of strolling into a new classroom and making friends with whom you’ll spend the following few years. Instead, the only classroom you get to experience is the Google classroom. I have always loved the smell of new books, and I can imagine you would have had just as much trouble adjusting to the plain, boring, NO SMELL AT ALL pdfs. Nobody envisioned their first year of college would be all about gazing into the screen for hours but if you look at the brighter side, you guys are making history!

With the obvious, innumerable cons, comes just as many pros. One of the best things about KIIT, which I am very proud of, is the tutor-mentor facility. Completely devoted to making this transition easier for the students, you can reach out to them anytime, and they’ll be one call away!  I know for a fact that you are thankful for your mentor, a parent away from home. Listen to your teachers in your 8 AM classes! Because let’s be honest, most of the content—definitions, theories, models—can easily be retrieved in a whopping five seconds with a targeted Google search. But the knowledge you’ll take away if you pay just a tiny bit of attention is IRREPLACEABLE. Equipping yourself with self-awareness and critical thinking skills which you can carry into the real world upon graduation is what matters. And KIIT faculty helps us to meet that goal, by creating an experience in the online classes—something that significantly alters the way you view the world and yourselves.

Ask any senior, the thing they miss the most in this new normal has to be the amazing campus of KIIT. Never have I ever seen another college with such a student-friendly campus like ours! Agreed, as freshers, this grievance has to top your list. But like a glass half full, the exciting part about this is, when the day finally comes to visit your campus, you will be the happiest KIITIAN out there. To ease your ache, the teachers have shown a glimpse of the beautiful campus to the freshers. This shows how considerate, and understanding our faculty members are.

The biggest factor in any new place is the people you get to meet. For me, it was a whole new adventure, meeting people from different cultural backgrounds and finding my tribe amongst everybody. I admit you haven’t had this chance, but isn’t there something wonderful about making friends through online classes, and the anticipation of getting to know their presence physically?

What makes your batch unique, other than the given, is that you are the first batch that has never given offline exams. Do NOT get used to the leisure of sitting at home in your PJs, staring at a screen. You will soon face the daunting silence of the exam halls as you struggle to recollect all the information you crammed into your brains the previous night.

Looking at the brighter side of things, you guys have an ample amount of time at home.

Survival of the fittest is the motto nowadays, and if you can use this time productively to gain knowledge and build skills, you are shaping your career.

“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” – Albert Einstein

As in the first year, the workload is less, you can give the extra time to your hobby and personal interests. KIIT University provides a great number of opportunities in the extra-curricular realm. We have societies in KSAC, for every domain, whether technical or creative, which will give u a platform to showcase and hone your talent. Even amidst the pandemic, all the societies are working diligently and conducting interesting events and sessions online.

To keep you on track of building your dream career, webinars and lecture series are organized every week. These webinars feed your brain with information, expand your knowledge and keep you updated with the latest developments in technology.

To end this on a positive note, I would ask you to enjoy this precious time with your loved ones in the comfort of your home to the fullest. Being an adult is fulfilling, but the responsibilities take some getting used to. I know you can’t wait to leave your nest, shine outside the protection of your guardians, but take it from me. This? Right now? Is the most carefree you will ever be in the coming times.


The senior you’ll meet soon.