Anshika Parth
5th Year

I am writing this as I stand on the cusp of graduation and I find myself flooded with emotions. A huge wave of memories engulfs me, bringing back the days I first started college. It has been a long journey, moulding me into the person I am today and helping me to see the world in a new light. Meeting diverse people and experiencing their cultures pushed me to grow as an individual. I’ve learnt that overcoming adversity is essential in order to grow in life and every mistake is but an opportunity to grow. My College pals were like rocks, standing strong with me no matter what, always ready to help. You don’t learn only inside the classroom. The world outside also teaches you valuable lessons.  I’ve learned valuable things from extracurricular activities too at KIIT. Managing my schedule well, and striking a balance between academic and personal obligations, was critical. I learnt that Adaptability is a quality that is helpful not only in education but also in life.

For me, college was a massive jigsaw puzzle. The people I met, the cultural diversities and experiences being distinct pieces in the puzzle. The fact that each experience was so unique on its own that it pushed me to study and understand a wide variety of topics. Dealing with such diversity was not only fascinating; it also helped me to become a better and more open-minded person. My college experience was a dynamic trip in which each encounter was like adding a stroke to the painting of my life. It wasn’t enough to just listen to lectures and read books, it was also necessary to actively participate in this living, breathing collection of experiences. Whether I was working alongside classmates or engaging in cultural events that highlighted our diversity, every moment presented a chance to learn and improve. In this incredible adventure of life, college taught me how to yield my weapons well, helping me find my superpower. One of these abilities, and my hidden weapon, is time management. It’s not just about doing well on tests; it’s about finding a nice rhythm that allows you to tackle all of the obstacles in your college life while also keeping everything else in your life in perfect harmony. It is like a magic compass that helps you keep track of all the things in life without letting you get overwhelmed by them.  So, learning the skill of time management has been my secret ingredient in this wonderful journey called life for keeping everything in sync while confronting whatever problems came my way.

My experience at KIIT University had its ups and downs, but having wonderful friends made it all more enjoyable. These pals were like powerful anchors, anchoring me when lessons and tests became difficult. It wasn’t simply having someone to talk to, it seemed like there was an entire crew on board. Imagine sailing through the rough sea of college, coping with academic and extracurricular pressures and having this incredible crew of friends by your side! When things became tough, we confronted them collectively, and when things went well, we rejoiced as a group. It made college feel like a shared journey, where we handled obstacles and celebrated victories together. These guys were way more than simply study mates; they were the ones that made the entire journey memorable.

My faculty’s knowledge has been like having a constellation of guiding lights illuminating my path not only during college but also into the greater horizon of life beyond academics. My teachers were celestial navigators, providing insights that have turned into beacons, guiding me through the enormous sea of obstacles and opportunities. These professors aren’t simply knowledgeable about their fields; they’re also mentors, offering guidance that extends beyond the confines of academia. Their advices and suggestions were like the compass that guided me not only through the trials of studies but also through the great journey of life, providing comfort and support whenever I needed it the most.

Education isn’t restricted to the four walls of college. It’s more like the entire world is a school, and everything we go through, for example, successes and disappointments alike—is part of our education. Here’s the interesting part: failure isn’t the end of the journey, rather it’s a unique stepping stone. Instead of being a major impediment, it serves as a guidepost indicating where we might improve and grow. Observe this: when we encounter a difficult situation and it does not go as planned, it is not a stop sign that says “You can’t do it.” It’s more of a warning sign that says, “Hey, this road could use some work, but you’ll get through it.” It’s a road map that helps us become stronger and more resilient, converting bumps in the path into chances to develop and learn.

Another important virtue that college taught me was kindness. Kindness is a magic wand that, instead of casting spells, creates ripples in our lives and the world around us. It is more than simply being polite; it is a superpower that can have a long-term, beneficial influence on individuals and communities. When we carry out small acts of kindness, it’s like dropping a pebble into a pond. The waves spread, reaching more and more individuals, spreading joy and even more kindness. It’s not a minor factor; it’s a driving force that may result in significant changes that make the world a better place. It’s a lesson in how even the simplest acts may result in truly amazing and significant transformations.

Starting the new chapter of my life seems like embarking on an exciting journey. My backpack contains not just memories of college, but also precious things such as friendships formed, information gained, and pleasant experiences shared. It’s not just a shift in gears, it’s a seamless continuation of the exciting voyage that defined my undergraduate years. The lessons acquired, both within and beyond the classroom, are more than just footnotes; they are essential guideposts for the chapters to follow. These ideas serve as a compass for navigating the purposeful and joyful road ahead, from resilience in difficult circumstances to following my hobbies and treating people with compassion. Graduating with a degree is not the only achievement; it is the conclusion of a multitude of knowledge gained along the route. As I enter the next chapter, I take a treasure trove of learning with me: the importance of following one’s passion, the transformational power of compassion, and the realization that every error is a step toward personal progress.

So, make the most of it because this time never comes back.