2 nd Year, B.Tech (IT)

College is a crazy time. It is the intersection of life, money, education, career, and more. It is a time to discover yourself, to be on your own, and to begin to fathom life. In this process, college societies play an essential role. You get to learn more about yourself.

Joining a student organization presents many opportunities to learn more about yourself, your goals, and your strengths. You can discover how other students handle certain situations and test your current knowledge. You can also find out what you’re good at, whether that’s multitasking, staying organized, generating ideas, or serving others. This self-awareness will be beneficial in your future. Some advantages are as follows:

You will develop soft skills

Soft skills are essentially people skills; they are skills that allow us to effectively interact with others, like communication, attitude, and work ethics. Participating in a student society not only teaches you these skills but also helps you improve your existing skills. You will learn the best way to communicate with both individuals and large groups, and you will gain emotional intelligence as you develop new relationships.

You will learn teamwork

Knowing how to work well with a team is an essential skill for any career. Being in a student society teaches you how to do this by putting you in situations where you are required to take advice from others and give your own.

You will get networking opportunities

Another great benefit of student society is that you get the opportunity to network. Meeting new students, making connections, and building relationships will all help down the line when you’re looking for a job. Because you’re all part of the same organization, you know the people you’re meeting to have at least a few of the same interests as you, so their connections will be valuable.

You will gain practical experience in a safe environment

Participating in a club or a society based on your particular area of study will give you practical experience within that field. And what's great about student clubs is that while you learn to use skills like project management, event planning, and fundraising, you get to test them out in a safe environment where making mistakes is OK. Everyone is there to support you, so there’s no fear of messing up or being wrong.

Being a student of KIIT University, we are grateful to have KSAC (KIIT Student Activity Centre) which even during the pandemic has been committed to its goal of engaging students in societies, supporting their talent and giving students the platform to explore new horizons and reach great heights.