Yashvi Aggarwal
2nd Year

The thing about life is, it’s uncertain and ironic. Every first day of every semester is full of deceitful promises we make to ourselves. “I’m definitely going to get a 9+ SGPA this time.”I’m going to go to the gym for sure.”I’ll cut back on my expenses.” and what not. I’ve made these promises too. Every night I convince myself to be better the next day but slip back into the same old habits by evening and when dark covers the sky again, well, you guessed it right, I hope the next day will be better. Productivity and discipline seem like a myth to me now. Motivational videos hardly have an impact because the momentary adrenaline rush is so not enough to get me through the day. Although, that doesn’t stop me from being the guru and giving advice to my friends, it doesn’t stop any one of us from pointing out everything that’s wrong with someone else’s life even when our own is barely crossing the threshold. Ironic Unpredictable.

 And you want to know the best part? We’re just getting worse every day. We’ve somehow gotten very used to making false promises to others and to ourselves and then breaking them. We’ve somehow become okay with not giving our best and then blaming others. We leave our good selves in our 2 am thoughts and wake up just the same as yesterday. And we’re the first ones to list out everything that’s been going downhill.

 With an option to make our career choices, I chose to be an over thinker so naturally, I have thought about this a lot too. I realized that in this race of first and last, in this world of good and bad, in the minds of black and white, all of us are trying to find that little grey color to live in. We’re trying to find enough room to fit all of our good and bad and all the in-betweens. We’re trying to find our reality in the walls of unrealistic expectations. Life is ironic. But I didn’t write this to give tips on ” How to College: 101″, I just wrote this with the simple intention to know that I’m not alone and to let you know that you’re not alone too. And with that, I would like to end this with a story.

 I was walking in from the Campus 6 gate. I saw this beautiful flower lying on the road (sorry if this turns into a literature extract). Normally, we would just pass by because we’re so used to flowers all around the campus. But for some reason, that flower caught my attention. I picked it up, pressed it in the pages of my notebook and today finally pasted it in my journal. And while I was doing that, it hit me that it could have been any other flower I picked, but I chose that one. That’s how so many beautiful moments in your life choose you. So live them. Be yourself because there is so little time for us to live freely without any obligations.