The Elder Sibling’s Dilemma


Yashvi Aggarwal 2nd Year This is a message for all the elder siblings out there: kindly don’t put so much pressure on yourself to set a good example for your younger siblings. As an older sibling, I can vouch that whenever I see my younger siblings, the first thing that comes to mind is how proud I am of them. It’s just like being their mother, but slightly different. The good part is that I get to be their friend too and share their secrets, which they are too afraid to tell our parents. I get to share their hobbies. I [...]

The Elder Sibling’s Dilemma2024-05-14T15:28:00+05:30

People and their Warmth


Aryan Singh 3rd Year Sitting down to compose this blog post, I'm engulfed in a whirlwind of emotions. My college experience has been akin to navigating a roller coaster, marked by profound growth, formidable challenges, and unforgettable memories. How lucky it is to have something that makes it so hard to say goodbye. Transitioning from university marks a significant milestone in our lives. For years, our existence has been shaped by lectures, exams, and extracurricular activities. Now, we find ourselves on the precipice of the unfamiliar, poised for a fresh journey into the world. While the prospect of change may seem [...]

People and their Warmth2024-04-04T14:53:29+05:30

Journaling: A Path to Self Exploration


Sipra Mishra 2nd Year Have you ever reached that corner of Instagram that features aesthetically pleasing notebooks and ridiculously cute stationery supply? Well, I sure did! I was a seventeen year old stuck at home during COVID with my brain half fried with anxiety while the other half desperately seeked a hobby that didn't involve staring at a screen. It was during this time I discovered journaling and my life has never been the same. I am sure I wasn't the only one whose mental health went for a toss during COVID times. My anxiety had shot through the roof leaving [...]

Journaling: A Path to Self Exploration2024-03-30T16:41:46+05:30

Uncertain and Ironic


Yashvi Aggarwal 2nd Year The thing about life is, it's uncertain and ironic. Every first day of every semester is full of deceitful promises we make to ourselves. "I'm definitely going to get a 9+ SGPA this time."I'm going to go to the gym for sure."I'll cut back on my expenses." and what not. I've made these promises too. Every night I convince myself to be better the next day but slip back into the same old habits by evening and when dark covers the sky again, well, you guessed it right, I hope the next day will be better. Productivity [...]

Uncertain and Ironic2024-03-21T13:44:11+05:30

Making Connections: KIIT University


Sudhanshu Jha 2nd year Friendship, Networking, and Everyday Experiences :- In this rat race of higher education, a universe where associations are to be sealed, dreams are to come alive and destinies are to be realized, KIIT University is an emerging shelter of learning. The students out here begin on the path of academic excellence and personal development, which is wrapped around by the energetic hallways and the large campus, where the fine opportunities for friendships and networking will be treasured. Friendships at KIIT University :- Friendship is what life at KIIT University is all about. From the very moment you [...]

Making Connections: KIIT University2024-03-13T12:49:33+05:30

Strength & Adversity


Sipra Mishra 2nd Year The climb down the hill seemed smooth, effortless even. The sun shone on my tanned face with every stone I crushed beneath my tired feet. The waterfall was visible from where I was. I could hear the water. I was impatient.  I wanted to get down the hill soon so that I could witness the beauty and the tranquility of the waterfall. I kept moving, going down each step one by one. Then in a flash of a second, it happened! The next thing I know I was on the ground. My leg slipped while I was [...]

Strength & Adversity2024-03-06T22:50:52+05:30

From College and Beyond: A Reflection on the Journey


Anshika Parth 5th Year I am writing this as I stand on the cusp of graduation and I find myself flooded with emotions. A huge wave of memories engulfs me, bringing back the days I first started college. It has been a long journey, moulding me into the person I am today and helping me to see the world in a new light. Meeting diverse people and experiencing their cultures pushed me to grow as an individual. I've learnt that overcoming adversity is essential in order to grow in life and every mistake is but an opportunity to grow. My College [...]

From College and Beyond: A Reflection on the Journey2024-01-31T14:41:37+05:30

Life-Changing Books Every College Student Should Read


By Anand Swaroop 2 nd year, CSSE Think And Grow Rich -Napoleon Hill This book is all about having a definite purpose. It tells us to use the power of autosuggestion; sometimes, we already know things, it comes to us automatically, and we only have to channel our focus on recognizing it. The author asks us to mix thoughts with feelings- he says positive thoughts attract positive actions. He also tells us about the power and benefits of visualization. This book basically teaches us to train and program our subconscious minds to achieve our goals and ambitions. One of the best [...]

Life-Changing Books Every College Student Should Read2022-02-18T14:50:31+05:30

Achyuta Samanta

founder-kiit & kiss

Member of Parliament, Loksabha,
Founder, KIIT  & KISS

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